Friday, May 25, 2012

i LOVE being a MoM..

These are the faces I cant afford to miss..

Its by far the funnest, most worthwhile thing Iv ever done..
I hope to raise my kids similar to how Iv been raised.
I feel so blessed to have him every second.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First Visiters!!

 Backed outta the cupboard, right into the Crock Pot!

Playin in the RAIN

So how do you know when Barbara the grandma/mother and her sidekick Katherine have been at your house??? Well for starters your fridge will be chuck full of amazing things and each meal that is prepared will feed approximately 9 kids and 2 adults. Mom and Katherine saved the day when Shayna left to take pictures for her friends wedding in Texas. The only complaint that we have for our perfect guests is that they didn't stay longer (We miss em a lot).

Friday, May 11, 2012

Garden Buddies

 Im havin' so much fun doin' stuff with our lil boy!
 Iv GOT to TEACH him the ROPES ya know!