Lake Powell has morphed over the years for our little family. We went from no kids, to 2 kids in just 2 years. This year we either had baby Honey in our arms or were chasing Trace. Megan and Cory are in the same boat as us as far as kids go. It was a lot of fun getting to catch up and getting to know Etnie and Drayke better. The weather was perfect. We got our yearly root beer floats at dangling rope marina and then went exploring slot canyons on boat. History was made: none of us got sunburned (and very few of the rest of the family got scorched). That never happens!
Plane ride home... some noteworthy events! We got to board first! Honey had an applesauce induced diaper explosion on Shayna's lap, seconds before her fellow passenger was about to slide past to his seat. He visually assessed the situation, said hi, and let us know he'd sit in an adjacent seat until Shayna was finished. Although our nice (but scatterbrained) flight attendant informed us that the flight was full, it was not. We got two 2 seat sections all to ourselves! During takeoff (while I was wrestling a hysterically screaming Trace to get him buckled in his seat) the same flight attendant stopped by to let me know that she once tied her daughter in her car seat with a rope... I was shocked by her honesty and took the hint that she was not going to allow this 20+lb 2year old child to sit on my lap.