Friday, January 20, 2012

PA-School/Boot Camp

Besides the sound of the Tennesseean Freight Train coming through our house at all hours of the night and day.. I really like it here!(they seem to time it perfect, right when Trace falls asleeep.)
I think I underestimated a lil' the work load Chris would be taking on, it makes for a lot of one on one w/ Trace. Good thing I have a lil' buddy! 
Chris goes to bed late and wakes up at about  5 every morning. He takes his cup of warm grits on his 10 min. walk to school. I feel so lucky I get to spend my time @ home with Trace, compared to Chris' 7 tests in a 5 day school week. He is such a hard worker and good sport. I admire his dedication, it will sure bless our lives in the future! 
In the mean time.. Trace and I keep ourselves busy and look forward to when daddy gets home :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trace McGregor Nelson- 6 months old

We made a video to show off our very loved Tracer. He is 6 months old now, and is starting to learn some new "tricks". Click on the link to see it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

McKenzie...Our Town

We've had two weeks now in our new town; McKenzie, Tennessee. Home of long drawn out conversations. Everyone we have met, from Larry the Maytag man to Frank our landlord, has shared much of their life history in the first few minutes of meeting them. Larry even stayed at our home for a good 30 minutes after installing our washer and dryer...what a champ. We pass people on the street that just start talking, invite us to their church, and share some personal things from their life...we feel honored, and most of the time it's not too awkward. McKenzie is one of those towns where most of the stores don't accept credit or debit cards, are closed on Wednesdays, and have retained their old fashioned hospitality. McKenzie has many bragging rights. Like the time Bob Hope came and saved the college from bankruptcy decades ago, and the other time when Wal*Mart left town because the people loved their hardware stores more. The surrounding towns have also won a spot on the map for things like the worlds largest fish fry (Paris TN), the worlds largest possum hunt, and the official Christy TV Show fan festival. What more could we hope for?!

Our Town