Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hunington "Honey" Ryder

We couldn't have hoped for a more perfect day. Friday, March 29th, Shayna's contractions started at 8 am, and since she wasn't due until April first (and planning on an even later birth), we didn't think it would happen so fast. By 12 noon she was having serious labor pains, and at 2:40 pm our little Honey Ryder was born. There were so many things that made it perfect for us. We are so thankful to have her here healthy, early, and small.
Since Honey was born on Good Friday, I had the day off, and didn't have to return to clinic until Tuesday, which means I didn't need to take any personal days off. On top of all that, this rotation is an easy one with really good hours.
Labor lasted 6 and a half hours, Honey is a girl, doesn't need to be circumcised (our most traumatizing experience with Trace), has a small head, and there was minimal "trauma" to Shayna's body (if that's possible with any birth).
Our midwife got there 10 minutes after the birth, so I got to catch Honey and hand her to Shayna. Turns out I'm better at catching babies than footballs, thankfully. She was really slippery, but we managed.
Meanwhile, Trace watched Tangled, 2 and a half times, before falling asleep in the "other room". He woke to the sound of Honey's first cries, and stumbled up to the bedroom saying "baby, baby".
The midwife did all the clipping of cords and checking reflexes so we could just enjoy being together with our new baby. She was 100% healthy from day one. We are most thankful for that.
Grandma Ronda arrived the next day, and with all the work out of the way, we get to party for a week with her.
There is nothing that we would have changed. Being able to have the baby in our home, without distractions, was amazing. Shayna did all the work, and I feel very privileged to have been able to help her. Some people might call us weird, but because of that we have had some amazing experiences. We love our little Honey; born in Booneville Mississippi, in our trailer, caught by her dad!


  1. I wouldn't call you weird, I love the story and how unique it is :) love you all and can't wait to meet Honey!

    1. You're so kind! I wish we all lived closer! Someday :)

  2. Congrats! We are excited for your new addition! Glad things went good! Girls are so fun!

  3. So so sweet (made me cry!!). Shayna is one of the strongest women I know...she is amazing! So glad things went well! What a blessing that she was here early, healthy and got to spend time with her dad! I'm slightly jealous you are getting to play with a sweet new baby girl! I just keep hoping one will show up on my doorstep...anyways, so happy for you both and I can't wait to meet Honey!
