Monday, July 11, 2016

September Farm Trip

While I was in Santa Rosa for an externship, Shayna and the kids went to the farm. As always the kids played all day, running around with the cousins outside and helping Grammy with the farm. Shayna spent 4 of those days learning how to can; a skill that we now enjoy- thanks Ronda and Kraig, for passing this down to her (better late than never Shayna)...oh wait, as I am reading this post to Shayna she informs me that she has had this skill since she was 10... I wonder what other skills she has been hiding all this time?!? Although we missed eachother, the time flew by, and I was able to fly in to Pheonix and drive home with Shayna the next day. 
I spent my 2 weeks in Santa Rosa CA at the True North Residential Treatment Center. I was able to witness the therapeutic effects of medically supervised water fasting, juicing, and strict dietary complicance therapies. This was amazing! I have spent over a year now studying about these things, so when my sister Mary decided to spend 2 weeks at True North as an patient, I jumped on the opportunity. Mary and I got to be roommates- she had a successful water fast for over a week, and my internship was more hands on than I thought it would be. We are both thankful for our experiences there! 

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