Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Teepee Breakfast

When we heard the girls were going to take the teepee down for the winter we could hear it beckoning  to us to send smoke signals from it one last time... so we burnt breakfast in it. The skillet was over a raging campfire so temperatures were often uncontrollable, and it seemed like the food cooked instantly upon making contact. This indian home also inspired a series of photo shoots put on by Shayna and the "little girls". They got into the indian spirit so completely for the pictures that I wont be surprised if one of our neighbors cows gets speard and stolen by 3 lightweight redheads in the near future. The teepee take down was quick. We will look forward to more exceptionally well done pancakes and eggs next year.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris, i found out that that "skillet" was actually just a table that we (i) thought was a skillet!! :)haha
