Monday, December 9, 2013

2nd Annual St. George

 The annual Pre-Thanksgiving St George get together with the Gonzales' lived on this year. The trip was already too short from the beginning, but a few things made it even shorter. The most memorable of these being Marley jabbing a toothbrush through the left lateral laryngeal mucosa, barely missing her artery and nerve! So that ate up most of the first day. Luckily we had a fun time cooking Thanksgiving dinner and watching the rest of the kiddos while Sunde, Nefi, and Marley waited at the ENT and Surgeons offices. Marley was a trooper, and picked right back up playing with the kids when she got back to the house. Sadly enough, Marley had to be on liquids and puree for the rest of the trip (the sneaky little thing quietly ate a mint she found in our car while we were driving to the sand dunes).
The family pictures went well, the Thanksgiving feast was not too shabby, and the highlight was catching up after being apart for so long. Trace had a blast getting to know his cousins and continues to pray for them to this day. We look forward to seeing them in only a week, and are so glad we all took the time to meet up! 

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